We provide services and trainings:

For over 30 years Andrew Bendefy has been collaborating, teaching, coaching and consulting with business leaders, educators, global organisations, senior industry executives and private clients.

In education Andrew brought a cure for those with

long-term literacy, numeracy and learning challenges . . .

                                                                . . . including dyslexia.

He is a best selling author and collaborates with clients, customising development and training programmes in all areas of business and personal development.

Innovation Training:

Our primary focus is on delivering practical 'how-tos' to ensure learning and change really happen, from the training room through to sales and senior executives coaching. Our basis is the application of work in the neurosciences, psychology and psychotherapy to individuals, teams and organisations. Enabling you to use your existing investments, information and knowledge in ways you never dreamt possible.

Neuro Tools:

Your brain is the driving force behind every thought, every memory, every action and every emotion that you've ever had, or ever will have. This is why it is invaluable in giving you a basic understanding of how you can work with your brain and your employees, customers and clients - ensuring valued success.


Our main delivery vehicles are open programmes, in house trainings and coaching, including 1-1 programmes.


Invest Inside Yourself - Andrew Bendefy

Founder & Owner

Andrew founded Invest Inside Yourself in 2004. He has worked with hundreds of organisations, schools and colleges, and countless professionals from across the globe.

Our focus is on skills-based training and therapies using accelerated learning for professional and personal goals. As our name suggests, it's one of the best investments you or your organisation can ever choose.



Andrew Bendefy








Andrew Bendefy with Colin Jackson at the National Training Awards

Colin Jackson with Andrew Bendefy

at The National Training Awards






I've met some fantastic people since I established Invest Inside Yourself and many clients keep in touch. Some have even been so generous as to share their experiences in the public domain.

These are a few of their comments.


Head Teacher Anne Heywood


Many thanks for the work you have undertaken in this school. The following are some of my observations; that you may use publicly.

It can be a challenge for teachers to find effective ways of teaching spelling. What we want is actually a way for children to LEARN and remember spellings.

Following your work in my school, an experienced Year 4 teacher met with her class and explained how 'Things were going to be different'.  She had been increasingly worried about the group of children who seemed to fail week after week in spelling tests, concerned about their self-esteem as much as their spelling ability.  

Part of her new approach was to abandon differentiated spelling lists, then the children used your methods to help learn their spellings.

After one week, all but six children achieved full marks in their spelling test.  The remaining six children scored 8 or 9 out of ten.  Four children had never before achieved full marks in a spelling test in their whole school career.  This was a truly remarkable change.  

Then in the second week, ALL children achieved 100% in their spelling test.  The positive attitude emanating from this classroom is palpable! The boost to self-esteem has been tremendous, and is spilling over into all aspects of the children's learning.   Another experienced teacher confided she had always thought there must be more than 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' to learn spellings.  

The impact of your methods speaks for itself and your knowledge and professionalism are truly inspiring to pupils and parents.   Introducing your learning methods has led to the most rapid improvement in attitude (and spelling accuracy!) that I have ever seen.  Anne Heywood, Head Teacher.


Parent - SJG "V Happy Mum"

After years of trying to help my son (10yrs) and even with intensive one on one learning support provided by school both he and I were extremely frustrated. My son had always had great comprehension skills and a fantastic imagination /vocabulary though he had almost stopped writing stories etc. as he could not put down on paper his thoughts - not because he couldn't organize his thoughts but because he was so frustrated with his own writing (spelling# abilities. He thought he was `thick' and `stupid' #his words#.

We saw Andrew for two sessions in the Summer of 2009 and bought the book. Since then my son has never achieved less than 12/15 in his spelling tests and usually gets 15/15 - a massive improvement on the consistent 4 or 5 /15 we were getting before! This with only c1/2 hour a week spent on his spellings rather than the 1/2 hr daily grind we were both enduring with the 'traditional' methods. We are also now seeing a vast improvement in his writing #i.e. translating the spellings learnt into every day writing# and he has just been awarded at school the certificate of merit for the `student showing the most improvement in English.' He now sits near the top of his class rather than the bottom!

He is now getting back to his `old' self where he is no longer afraid to use his imagination and vocabulary and translate it with pen to paper and more importantly now has confidence in his own abilities resulting in a far happier child!

I showed and explained the 'visual' method to my father who is a retired primary school headmaster #who still supply teaches at various schools when their staff are ill / on training courses# he has since tried the method with children having difficulties and has had dramatically fantastic results in only 1/2 hour. Most importantly, however, the consistent theme is that the children have all thought themselves to be 'stupid' usually resulting in them being 'naughty' during lesson times as they simply 'didn't get it.' The resulting happiness, relief and confidence in them when they realise that they 'can do it' with this method is just simply wonderful to see.

The method is simple, fun and can be used anywhere once mastered i.e. not limited to the classroom or table/desk - in fact we sometimes do it in the bath!

I cannot recommend it enough and would definately say contacting Andrew has changed our lifes. He is extremely reasonable and very approachable either face to face, by telephone or by e-mail. I believe he also has representatives around the country so don't let your location put you off contacting him!



Parent - Sue

Hello Andrew

I just wanted to send you a little update about my son and to thank you for helping him to believe in himself and in his ability to learn to spell and do maths.

We came to see in you in your home in February 2009 (myself, my husband and my son). At the time my son was really struggling with reading, spelling. mental arithmetic and comprehension maths and his confidence was at an all time low. My husband really identified with the way you were teaching our son techniques and said that this was exactly the way that he learnt.

Our son is now in a very different place. Over the course of this last year, his confidence has gone from strength to strength; he is so much happier and less anxious. He goes to school with a smile on his face, his reading and maths is continuing to improve and although there is still room for improvement in the spelling in his written work, he has a strategy and a belief that if he keeps persevering he can learn how to spell new words.

He told me yesterday that he was telling the Teaching Assistant (who works with him) that he is using the Andrew Bendefy technique and that was why he was looking up. He was so pleased when his teacher said, `Oh yes, I know what you’re doing – I’ve just been on a course run by Andrew Bendefy’. I’m not sure what the course was but I’m so pleased that our school is recognising the technique because I really believe that it will help more children reach their potential.

As a mother, I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful work you’re doing and for your commitment. When we came to see you last year, I really felt we were out and sea and you were like the life boat coming to rescue us!

Very best wishes, Sue


Parent - Mrs Collins - Letter written to Nicky Cox (media)

Dear Nicky,

I want to share with you the trouble I have had understanding my daughter and how hard it has been get her school to identify that she is different and that she needs to learn in a different way. Before Lauren started school I thought she was bright but as soon as she got to words and numbers Lauren become unhappy and did not want to go to school. I thought she may be dyslexic but was told from her school that she will get there in the end!

I love this, 'the end of what', she was only 6 years old still had another 12 years of school to go.

After 3 years of school and Lauren struggling and dropping behind I was told that Lauren has a slow working memory, lack concentration, often had difficulty remembering word sequences and she also has trouble retaining spelling and words. I spent all year trying to work out what was best for Lauren and speaking to all different people about all sorts of thing did she  have visual problem or hearing ,was she dyslexic? This was my big question but no one would give me a straight answer.

Last year Lauren said to me

I am a tricky type of girl  
I am always stuck,
I always think I am going to me in trouble because I have not done enough work,
I am rubbish
I am no good at learning and don't have a clue what is going on in class.
Can I go to a different school that where you have to learn words and just do DT where you don't have to learn?
I think I am a weird and different from every one else.

Well my heart was breaking and had to sort this out straight way.

We had just moved house so I thought lets have a new start.

I was in the local library and was picking up books about identifying dyslexia. The librarian told me about a workshop was at the library, which was run by Andrew Bendefy, author Seeing Spells Achieving, who runs the Invest Inside Yourself Program. I thought I had nothing to lose, lets see what he had to say.

Well it was the best things I ever did for Lauren, he understood Lauren and made it seem so clear that she was a visual learner and that she just needed to learn in a different way. The next week I took her to see him and it was all so simple. Lauren came away from there a new person and I felt a last now I know how to help her and from that day we do every thing the way Andrew has shown us. We have stop all the negative thinking and Lauren understands that it easy once you are shown your way of learning. She now is getting all her spelling correct and she enjoys reading and her new school comments on her IEP that she has found new methods.

From Mrs. Collins



©2008 Seeing Spells Achieving