There is a concept in psychology called 'The Voting Principle'.

It states there are three things we can vote how to spend:

  1. How we spend our time
  2. How we spend our energy
  3. How we spend our money.

In education at the moment, how often can it feel like we're all spent?

What is the impact on both your school and community when

  • certain students are unable to grasp English or maths, no matter how hard everyone tries?
  • an increasing amount of time is spent on 'social issues'

Headteachers are now being tasked with training staff to take over the parents' role and to teach beliefs and values to children because of an absence of these in the family unit.

One area of real concern is when a child leaves school to move on to the next stage of their life, who do they now see as their guardian/family? The person who taught them all their beliefs and hence their reluctance to move onto the next stage of their life.

But if you didn't do it, from who would they get these 'beliefs and values? Another family, known as the 'local gang leaders'. What is one meant to do?

This is where we come in. From January 2011 schools were free to choose how and where to invest in addressing these issues.

We offer the latest teachings in pscychology, neuroplasticity, emotional and behavioural psychotherapy, group mastery/dynamics and many more, tools to enhance your whole school's performance and success.

We can collaborate with you in designing a tailored programme that can be integrated seamlessly into your existing successful operations and share with you what has worked elsewhere.

These are recognised for:

  • improving and overcoming literacy and numeracy, emotional and behavioural challenges
  • (including those diagnosed with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, Autism and several other conditions
  • development of those from other countries & ethnic minorities
  • Community Cohesion – “Invest Inside Our Community”
  • being easy to measure and monitor success of students both scholastically and emotionally
  • enabling pupils to self-evaluate
  • gaining parental support and involvement and, where required, enabling parents to overcome their personal challenges
  • reducing truancy / The Troubled Families Programme
  • peer mentoring
  • run/delivered seamlessly on site, in schools improving effectivness, removing staff absence and removing normal training costs
  • Continuing Professional Development
  • And many more  . . .

What would be the disadvantage of giving us a call now to find out how we can achieve all this?  And save time, money and energy!


Telephone: 01727 83 85 83 or 07940 791237


Coloured Pencils


BBC News                        August 2013

The Association of Teachers and Lecturers calls for a teacher training and continuing professional development system which better informs teachers about special educational needs (SEN) and inclusive teaching practices to address the rise in permanent exclusions

click here to see the full picture










Head Teacher Anne Heywood, 

Click here for the full story

"After one week, all but six children achieved full marks in their spelling test. 

The remaining six children scored 8 or 9 out of ten.  Four children had never before achieved full marks in a spelling test in their whole school career.  This was a truly remarkable change.

Then in the second week, ALL children achieved 100% in their spelling test.

The positive attitude emanating from this classroom is palpable!

The impact of your methods speaks for itself and your knowledge and professionalism are truly inspiring to pupils and parents.

Introducing your learning methods has led to the most rapid improvement in attitude (and spelling accuracy!) that I have ever seen."

BBC News   Education & Family

Teenagers in England who fail to get at least a grade C in GCSE English and maths will now have to continue studying the subjects.

- click here for full story









Teenagers will lose up to five per cent of marks in GCSE examinations if they fail to display high standards of written English.

- click here for full story


©2008 Seeing Spells Achieving